Category: Media

eWeek highlights IBM Hybrid Cloud study

eWeek reports on the new IBM hybrid cloud study, Growing Up Hybrid: Accelerating Digital Transformation, which investigated what business outcomes organizations are experiencing from their hybrid implementations. The study identified a frontrunner group that’s reaping greater benefits from hybrid — moving beyond foundational efficiency gains and achieving business growth, capturing new markets, and using hybrid cloud to jump-start next-generation initiatives in IoT and cognitive computing.

Tech Target reports hybrid cloud news from IBM InterConnect

TechTarget reports on hybrid cloud messages from the IBM InterConnect conference in Las Vegas. According to the new IBM study “Growing up hybrid: Accelerating digital transformation” unveiled at the conference, hybrid environments can give enterprises a competitive edge, outweighing any hybrid management difficulties.

[Hybrid cloud leaders] are getting better business value, but they are feeling more challenged by the complexity and security. They are getting past these challenges, despite the concerns they have about them.
— Susanne Hupfer, co-author of the study

SiliconANGLE reports on mobile development at IBM Insight conference

At the IBM Insight conference, theCUBE caught up with Susanne Hupfer, Principal Analyst for the recently launched IBM Center for Applied Insights mobile study, and Phil Buckellew, IBM VP of Enterprise Mobile. Susanne discussed insights about successful mobile development that are revealed in a new IBM study “Star qualities: What it takes for mobile development projects to succeed.” Phil explained how IBM translates these findings into practice in its own mobile business.

SocialMediaToday covers 2014 IBM Business Tech Trends study

Robin Carey, CEO of Social Media Today, discusses findings from the 2014 IBM Business Tech Trends study and describes joining 17 other roundtable attendees at the NYC launch event for the study. Leaders of major brands, academics, and startups all related their own experiences to the study insights. One finding Robin found particularly remarkable is that adoption of social business has increased 106 percent since 2012.

eWeek writes about the 2014 IBM Business Tech Trends study

eWeek writes about the just-launched 2014 IBM Business Tech Trends study, focusing on the findings that leading “Pacesetter” enterprises partner more extensively and creatively. Indeed, Pacesetters are more likely than other organizations to enlist the help of partners — citizen developers, academia, start-ups, and clients — for skills transfer and training, help with product development and project execution, and even IT directions and decision making.

IBM Enterprise Cloud Study cited in Forbes

The IBM Center for Applied Insights Enterprise Cloud study is cited in the Forbes article “Cloud Computing’s Second Act Is All Business,” which asserts that cloud computing — firmly recognized for its benefits as an IT solution, including cost savings and efficiency gains — is moving into a phase where its value as a business solution will take center stage. The IBM study “Under Cloud Cover: How leaders are accelerating competitive differentiation” bolsters this claim, showing that leading enterprises are building competitive differentiation with cloud in three key ways — through strategic reinvention, better decisions and deeper collaboration.

CIO Insight reports on the IBM SaaS study

CIO Insight reports on the new IBM Center for Applied Insights study “Champions of Software as a Service”. In the article “How SaaS Pacesetters Are Gaining an Advantage”, they report on the study’s core message that SaaS is serving as more than just a cost-savings tool but also helping organizations gain a competitive advantage through deeper collaboration, better decision making, and improved customer experiences.

CMSWire uses IBM SaaS study to provide hints for outwitting competitors

An article in CMSWire, “5 SaaS Advantages To Confound Your Competitors,” presents some key findings from the IBM “Champions of Software as a Service” study, giving organizations potential ways to gain competitive advantage through SaaS. The five SaaS benefits highlighted are: tighter IT and business collaboration around SaaS, increased efficiency, improved collaboration among employees and with outside partners, better decision making, and market agility.

IBM cloud study discussed at InfoWorld

In an article at InfoWorld — “Believe it: The cloud gives you a business edge” — cloud computing consultant David Linthicum talks about the recently released IBM study “Under Cloud Cover: How leaders are accelerating competitive differentiation”. He explains that the study backs up his conviction that “you move to cloud computing for the cost efficiencies but stay for the business advantages, such as time to market and agility.”

Computer Weekly covers 2012 IBM Tech Trends report and the IT skills gap

Computer Weekly covers IBM’s move to offer free resources, programs, and training courses for IT professionals, students, and educators in the areas of security, big data and analytics, commerce and mobile computing. The article also spotlights the newly released 2012 IBM Tech Trends Report, which found that just one in ten businesses have all the skills they need in the areas of mobile computing, cloud, social business, and analytics. IBM’s latest efforts are aimed at closing this skills gap.

2012 IBM Tech Trends study highlighted in InfoSecurity Magazine

InfoSecurity Magazine highlights the 2012 IBM Tech Trends study in an article “Skills and security are the biggest barriers to successful business.” The study revealed a dire skills shortage, with only one in ten organizations saying they have all the skills they need to be successful in cloud, mobile, social, and analytics technology areas. Security concerns are also a big area of concern and are one of the top two barriers to adoption in each of the tech areas studied. InfoSecurity addresses these challenges and discusses potential ways to tackle them.

New York Times launches Visualization Lab based on IBM’s “Many Eyes”

The New York Times launches the Visualization Lab, the result of a collaboration with IBM Research. Based on “Many Eyes” data visualization technology from IBM Research, the site allows readers to create interactive visualizations of data made available by Times editors. Readers can also comment on visualizations, share them, and create topic hubs for discussion of specific visualizations and subjects.
