Category: Articles

Turbocharge productivity and efficiency with AI

AI can be a powerful tool for getting people the right information at the right time for decision making. By augmenting human intelligence and improving planning, AI has the potential to transform workplace productivity. Find out about four ways in which AI is boosting productivity and efficiency for organizations: making search more intelligent, enhancing customer care, streamlining workflows, and proactively predicting issues.

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AI is the future of IoT

AI and IoT are shaping up to be a symbiotic pairing. AI doesn’t just depend upon large data inputs; it thrives upon them. Given new data and scenarios, cognitive systems evolve and improve over time, inferring new knowledge without being explicitly programmed to do so. Got vast volumes of data from IoT? Feed it to AI systems and let them make sense of it.

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Gaining a digital transformation edge through cognitive technologies

AI / cognitive technologies are rapidly coming into play as ways to help unlock the value of digital data and augment human intelligence and decision making. Data and analytics are the lifeblood of AI initiatives, and early adopters regard cognitive technologies as a key to deriving deeper insights from their data. Find out more about how AI / cognitive early adopters gain a digital transformation edge.

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Early cognitive business adopters gain competitive edge

AI / cognitive computing is rapidly emerging as a transformational technology that helps unlock the value in digital data and augments human intelligence and decision making. IBM surveyed more than 600 organizations worldwide who are actively engaged in or planning cognitive initiatives. Half of the organizations with cognitive initiatives underway report they’ve already gained major competitive advantage from their efforts. Find out key ways users are achieving tangible business benefits through their cognitive projects.

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Hitch your mobile dev project to a stellar team

The IBM Center for Applied Insights recently conducted a worldwide survey of mobile developers and development managers that revealed key attributes of successful mobile development projects. What’s the number one trait of effective mobile developers? And what’s more important for mobile project success — a superstar developer, or a strong team that collaborates well? Find out what the study revealed.

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Want to succeed in mobile development? Focus on the end user

The recent IBM Center for Applied Insights study on mobile application development revealed key traits of successful mobile projects. One characteristic is that the development team is more likely to collaborate closely throughout the project lifecycle with the entire ecosystem, including quality assurance, interaction designers, user experience experts, IT operations, business stakeholders and end users. And the successful mobile projects are more likely to collaborate using agile software development methods. We interviewed an executive who leads mobile projects for IBM to hear how these findings play out in the context of the real-world mobile development he directs.

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Five ways to rev up your innovation engine

A recent IBM study finds that innovation correlates strongly with enterprise value creation: The 25 most innovative companies are outpacing the broader market in terms of aggregate market capitalization. So, how exactly can organizations excel at continual innovation? How can they create environments where ideas can connect? Here are some techniques from recent studies and experiments that may prove useful.

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What would Charles Darwin think of mobile?

Mobile technologies are rapidly transforming the way we do business and the way we access and respond to information. As consumers, we gain access to information faster, make informed decisions in minutes, respond to changes faster and behave in fundamentally different ways. As businesses, we use mobile technologies to increase employee productivity and enhance customer satisfaction. The recent IBM Business Tech Trends study — which surveyed IT and business decision makers in 13 countries — confirmed that mobile is an imperative for today’s enterprises.

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Five key technology resolutions for 2015

What are you going to resolve this year as a technology decision maker? What resolutions are you going to commit yourself to now — and follow through on this year — to make your business faster, more efficient, more innovative, and ultimately more competitive? The IBM Center for Applied Insights studied several key technology areas last year — Cloud, Mobile, Social, Big Data and Analytics — and released a suite of worldwide studies with insights on the use, strategies and applications of these technologies. We’ve combed through our findings and recommendations to bring you five key resolutions for the new year.

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It takes a village to become a Pacesetter

In the recent IBM Business Tech Trends study, we examined how Pacesetters — companies that view big data and analytics, cloud, mobile and social technologies as critical to their success and adopt them ahead of rivals — sustain their lead, even as these technologies go mainstream. One of the key characteristics of Pacesetters is their use of partnerships to stay ahead of rapidly changing markets. They not only partner more — they partner more creatively, with start-ups, academia, developers, and even clients.

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Global tech hot spots: A country-level look at big data & analytics, cloud, mobile and social

The IBM Center for Applied Insights recently launched the IBM Business Tech Trends study, which affirmed that big data and analytics, cloud, mobile and social are imperatives for today’s enterprises. Nearly three-quarters of IT and business decision makers regard these technologies as strategically important for their business success. Here we examine the adoption, investment, and skills gaps by country for the four technology areas.

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The tech skills gap: Skate to where the puck is going to be

The IBM Business Tech Trends study revealed that 4 in 10 enterprises still have moderate-to-major skill gaps in big data and analytics, cloud, mobile, and social technology areas. And one in four still cite lack of skills as a major barrier to adoption of these technologies. Pacesetters — a segment of leading enterprises — are doing better than others at closing the skills gap. Find out what differentiates their approach.

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Cloud computing revolution: The march goes on

Recently, some strategists have pondered whether cloud computing has passed its zenith, or whether it’s advancing slowly due to the reluctance of IT organizations to embrace it. Our recently released IBM Business Tech Trends study — a worldwide study of emerging tech areas, including cloud — can help shed some light on this topic. Based on our analysis, we have a different point of view.

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Top ten ways cloud computing drives innovation

Our research at the IBM Center for Applied Insights shows that leading companies are turning to cloud for business innovation, competitive advantage and growth — not just IT efficiencies. So, if your innovation plans don’t already include a hefty dose of cloud, here are ten reasons they should.

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Make your infographics “pop” with a little vision science

Information graphics — visual representations of information, data, knowledge, or concepts — have been around for millennia, helping humans organize what they see, filter out extraneous details, reveal patterns, and suggest further exploration. More recently, with the advent of the Internet and social media, infographics have been exploding in popularity. Anyone responsible for creating infographics in order to communicate complex information effectively can benefit by taking advantage of lessons from visual perception research.

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Check your SaaS pulse

The IBM Center for Applied Insights study of more than 800 IT and business SaaS decision-makers identified a group of Saas leaders — organizations that realize better enterprise efficiency with SaaS, but also achieve deep collaboration, better decision making, and market agility more than their peers. Use our new interactive SaaS Pulse tool to see how your organization measures up to the SaaS leaders.

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Shining Sunlight on Shadow IT

Software as a service (SaaS) sometimes raises concerns about “shadow IT” — employees procuring and deploying SaaS applications without going through established IT channels and policies. The recent IBM Center for Applied Insights study of 879 IT and business SaaS decision-makers identified a group of leading enterprises that foster IT and LOB collaboration around SaaS; they’re setting a good example for how to avoid shadow IT problems.

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Do you have a holiday wish list for cloud?

At the 2013 IBM Cloud Innovation Forum in Phoenix, we invited conference attendees to tell us their wish list items for cloud — which areas of the business they’re targeting for reinvention, where they’d like to drive better decisions and which types of collaboration they want to strengthen. You may get inspired to add to your own 2014 wish list for cloud!

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Breaking through the wall: Security highlights from Tech Trends 2012

IBM recently released the results of its 2012 Tech Trends Report, which looked at the adoption patterns of cloud, mobile, social and analytics technologies. Security is tightly intertwined with the four technology areas, and represents a significant area of importance and concern. Find out what we learned about security as a barrier to technology adoption, and views on the adequacy of IT security policies.

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Perspectives on the 2012 Tech Trends Study

Steve Rogers, Director of the IBM Center for Applied Insights, recently interviewed Paul Brunet, IBM Vice President of ISVs, Start-ups, and Academic Programs, about his perspective on the 2012 Tech Trends study. Whether you’re an IT or business decision maker, an academic, or an IT practitioner, you may discover valuable insights and recommendations in their broad-ranging conversation.

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Where are you on the Technology Fast Track?

IBM just released the results of its 2012 Tech Trends study, which explores why, when, and how organizations are adopting four pivotal emerging technologies — mobile, analytics, cloud and social business — that are rapidly reshaping how enterprises operate. We identified an elite group of Pacesetters who are forging ahead faster than others — despite adoption hurdles — and using emerging technologies in more strategic ways.

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Five C’s of Social Business

If you’ve paid attention to the business press this past year, you’ve no doubt heard all about the potential benefits of social software to the enterprise: improved organizational collaboration, transparency, decision-making, and innovation. Maybe you’re seriously considering deploying enterprise social software and becoming a “social business.” If you’re wondering what to expect once you roll out social software to your organization, an IBM Research study of social networking inside a large enterprise may hold some clues.

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