Author: Susanne Hupfer

MoCoMapps – Mobile Do-it Yourself Location-Based Crowdsourcing

MoCoMapps (Mobile Collaborative Mapping Applications) is a mobile application from IBM Research that lets users easily create and share their own structured location-based crowdsourcing apps around issues important to them, collect geo-tagged data from contributors, and collectively view and analyze results — all without needing to write any code. Application areas include citizen engagement, smarter commerce, and emergency management.

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New York Times launches Visualization Lab based on IBM’s “Many Eyes”

The New York Times launches the Visualization Lab, the result of a collaboration with IBM Research. Based on “Many Eyes” data visualization technology from IBM Research, the site allows readers to create interactive visualizations of data made available by Times editors. Readers can also comment on visualizations, share them, and create topic hubs for discussion of specific visualizations and subjects.

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Many Eyes: Finding Patterns in Your Data

This short talk covers the “Many Eyes” technology from IBM Research, which fuses easy data visualization with social interaction. Many Eyes promises to bring quantitative information to decision-making communities on a massive scale and to revolutionize current modes of interaction around how we visualize and collaborate with statistical information. By providing a forum for users and communities to easily explore, discuss, and collaborate on data and visualizations, Many Eyes promotes a process of social data analysis and collective discovery.

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