Author: Susanne Hupfer

Cloud computing revolution: The march goes on

Recently, some strategists have pondered whether cloud computing has passed its zenith, or whether it’s advancing slowly due to the reluctance of IT organizations to embrace it. Our recently released IBM Business Tech Trends study — a worldwide study of emerging tech areas, including cloud — can help shed some light on this topic. Based on our analysis, we have a different point of view.

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SocialMediaToday covers 2014 IBM Business Tech Trends study

Robin Carey, CEO of Social Media Today, discusses findings from the 2014 IBM Business Tech Trends study and describes joining 17 other roundtable attendees at the NYC launch event for the study. Leaders of major brands, academics, and startups all related their own experiences to the study insights. One finding Robin found particularly remarkable is that adoption of social business has increased 106 percent since 2012.

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Tech Trends 2014 Study

The future has arrived. Big data and analytics, cloud, mobile, and social are now mainstream, driving strategic opportunities for the enterprise. How are leading companies staying out ahead when everybody is jumping into the fray? This study of 1,447 IT and business decision makers reveals that the leaders have three key characteristics that give them an edge: partnering is in their DNA, analytics is their fuel, and combining these four technologies is their breakaway move.

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Overview of the 2014 IBM Business Tech Trends study

Big data and analytics, cloud, mobile, and social are now mainstream, driving strategic opportunities for the enterprise. How are leading companies staying ahead? This study of 1,447 IT and business decision makers reveals three key characteristics that give leaders an edge: partnering extensively and creatively, fueling their enterprise with analytical insights, and combining these four technologies, with cloud at the core. Tune in for an overview from IBM General Manager of Ecosystem Development, Sandy Carter, and Principal Analyst for the study, Susanne Hupfer (starting at 6:46).

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eWeek writes about the 2014 IBM Business Tech Trends study

eWeek writes about the just-launched 2014 IBM Business Tech Trends study, focusing on the findings that leading “Pacesetter” enterprises partner more extensively and creatively. Indeed, Pacesetters are more likely than other organizations to enlist the help of partners — citizen developers, academia, start-ups, and clients — for skills transfer and training, help with product development and project execution, and even IT directions and decision making.

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IBM Enterprise Cloud Study cited in Forbes

The IBM Center for Applied Insights Enterprise Cloud study is cited in the Forbes article “Cloud Computing’s Second Act Is All Business,” which asserts that cloud computing — firmly recognized for its benefits as an IT solution, including cost savings and efficiency gains — is moving into a phase where its value as a business solution will take center stage. The IBM study “Under Cloud Cover: How leaders are accelerating competitive differentiation” bolsters this claim, showing that leading enterprises are building competitive differentiation with cloud in three key ways — through strategic reinvention, better decisions and deeper collaboration.

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Top ten ways cloud computing drives innovation

Our research at the IBM Center for Applied Insights shows that leading companies are turning to cloud for business innovation, competitive advantage and growth — not just IT efficiencies. So, if your innovation plans don’t already include a hefty dose of cloud, here are ten reasons they should.

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Make your infographics “pop” with a little vision science

Information graphics — visual representations of information, data, knowledge, or concepts — have been around for millennia, helping humans organize what they see, filter out extraneous details, reveal patterns, and suggest further exploration. More recently, with the advent of the Internet and social media, infographics have been exploding in popularity. Anyone responsible for creating infographics in order to communicate complex information effectively can benefit by taking advantage of lessons from visual perception research.

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